July 18, 2014; 6:30 -9:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn; 2970 W. Elder St. Boise, ID
In just 3 hours gain a fundamental tool that changes lives!
Lost in Translation
What they miss in what you say
The power of words in relationship communication
In just 3 hours gain a fundamental tool that changes lives!
A $500 Value-Only $97– If you register Now!
Early registration must be received by July 11, 2014 –$125 at the door
: the way in which two or more people, groups, etc., talk to, behave toward and deal with each other.
: the way in which two or more people are connected.
•Intimate relationships • Friendships
• Parenting • Co-Workers
• Educators • Therapists
In just 3 hours gain a fundamental tool that changes lives!
“I have seen this communication tool save many marriages”
Professional Counselor
“This approach has strengthened many parent/child relationships”
Parent Educator
“I use this method to help my kids resolve conflicts”
Parent of teens
“I use this tool to initiate sensitive conversations when someone is upset”
Production Supervisor