“My goal is to create a peaceful environment where individuals can have the necessary communication to produce mediated agreements which feel mutually satisfying.” -Shirlene Elledge
Collaborative Divorce & Property Division
Family Child Custody Co-Parenting
Parenting Plan Modifications
Family Disputes
Relationship Disputes
Business & Workplace Disputes
Neighbor Disputes
Mediation is a process where parties have the opportunity to be a part of developing a solution which serves the interests of all involved. It is a resolution process whereby all parties participate in the outcome whereas arbitration or litigation leaves the outcome in someone else’s hands. Many times in arbitration or litigation, it is a perfect stranger who makes life-changing critical choices for the parties. Mediation puts the power of decision-making directly where it belongs–into the hands of those living in the situation in question. Mediation takes place in a confidential setting and parties can rely on mediator confidentiality and equality.
Shirlene Elledge is a Certified Professional Mediator through the Idaho Mediation Association since 2008. She is on the Idaho Supreme Court list of approved child custody mediators. Shirlene worked as the Co-Parenting Architect for Wevorce where she helped families through a collaborative divorce process which sidesteps the trauma of the courts and divorce lawyers.
Shirlene has worked directly with Ada County Family Court Services’ Focus on Children Program and has a good understanding of the divorce, child custody, and modification process. Shirlene will assist you through the process of exploring viable options and finding solutions which work with your unique situation.
Click Here to contact Shirlene and she will be happy to answer any questions you may have in beginning the mediation process.